I am sure that you have a desire to be happy. After all, that is probably why you are visiting this website about how to be happy! I too desire the same. Unfortunately, as you know, the world you and I live in is full of stress and problems, which at times can make it challenging to find happiness.
There is a lot of information out there about happiness and this can be quite confusing. I therefore decided to collect information about happiness from various sources and put it all together in one place to make it useful. In particular, I looked for information that I could use in a practical way to be happy in my day to day life. My aim in this website is to explain to you, in an easy to understand way, these various concepts about how to be happy. My wish is that this will help you to use these concepts in your own life, and be happy.
According to psychologists, certain ways of thinking can lead one to be unhappy. This website will explain such types of thinking so that you will be able to recognise it in yourself. Also, I will explain to you various “mental tools” that you can use to deal with such thinking. To make things more understandable, I will sprinkle various examples when I explain things.
The quest to be happy must have begun many years ago, perhaps even millions of years ago, when humans began to first think. While there is no historical record going that far back, there is nevertheless a lot of wisdom from various ancient philosophies and religions. I will share with you such wisdom.
In essence, this website will help you to be happy by explaining to you how certain ways of thinking can cause unhappiness, by explaining to you tools to change such thinking, and by sharing with you wisdom pertaining to how to be happy. These ingredients together are the main ingredients of the happiness recipe.